Our vision at Conscious Separation
We ensure a harmonious beginning to the next chapter of your partnership
There is no doubt that separation or divorce can be one of the most tumultuous periods in your life.
Not only can your life be turned upside down, but it is an extremely emotionally charged period where you and your partner may experience intense feelings of grief, pain, anger, resentment, fear, and a whole spectrum of other emotions.
In the midst of all this emotional turmoil, you may also be left with the difficult task of making critical decisions about your living arrangement, the splitting of assets, and the care and custody of your kids.
It is not surprising that when these discussions do not go well, they can spiral into further disagreement and conflict. Tempers may flare up and there is a continuing sense of not being heard, seen, or respected.
This often leads to feeling like your only choice is to engage lawyers to sort through the mess. While this may be beneficial to some, it comes at a great financial and emotional cost, and the sense that you are losing control over your own destiny.

Our purpose and vision at Conscious Separation are to give couples the opportunity to exit a relationship with the same sense of love, care, and respect with which they entered into it.
At Conscious Separation, we provide an alternative approach where we support you, both emotionally and legally, throughout this process—not just as an individual, but as a couple.
We are available to work with you either independently or together, to ensure that you fully understand your respective rights and that your thoughts and feelings are expressed and heard.
We create a safe environment so you can work through these difficult issues and take ownership and responsibility. All while being supported by experienced, caring professionals, who are skilled in both the legal and emotional aspects of separation and divorce.

Our empathetic approach allows you to stay in control of your own destinies and determine the outcomes.
In addition, you can save tens of thousands of dollars and experience the healthy benefits of a graceful parting of ways.
For our approach to be successful, however, you must commit to letting go of spiteful feelings and replacing them with a sense of ownership and appreciation.
Get in touch
At Conscious Separation, it is our goal to ensure a harmonious, peaceful end to your journey as spouses. We help you reach a mutually beneficial agreement that values the partnership you have formed and respects the entitlements of both parties involved.
If you would like some guidance on starting the next chapter of your life with dignity and respect, feel free to talk to our team.
We will help you take the next steps with compassion, knowledge, and legal expertise.